Friday, December 12, 2008

Day 1 - Anchor Steam

Anchor - Anchor Steam
San Francisco, CA (USA)
ABV 4.9% Calories 153

I'm setting myself up for a big year by shooting out of the gates with this Bay Area favorite - one of the great micro brews of our day. I wonder how many of the next 355 beers will match Anchor Steam's golden quality. Slightly bitter on the entry but has a deliciously sweet after taste. I'm glad this came as a 6-pack to supplement the not-so-good beers of the future, however, Anchor has a few other beers that I hopefully get my hands on later this year.

1 comment:

  1. My preferred beverage with a great steak. The wine snobs can keep their red wine.
    But if you're talking prime rib, then that does deserve a fine red.
