Friday, December 12, 2008

The Beginning

Last night I had an epiphany and today I start on a new path of discovery. In the distant past many would say that one of my many vices was overindulging in the sweet taste of liqueur, and on many occasions, I decided to seclude myself only to return in full embrace. Recently I've been reading through some old letters that my mom had written me; at the end of each letter she would always write, 'wishing you health, happiness, and personal growth.' For a year after she went to heaven I contemplated this without a drink; I got married, gained 10 pounds, stayed with the same job, moved into a new house, and ran my first ½ marathon. Now it is time for a fresh new perspective on life; time for change! I intend to drink a different beer every day for the next 365 days - starting today and ending on December 11th, 2009. It definitely seems much easier not to drink at all, but the goal is set. What will life bring this year? How much is this going to cost me? How many empty calories am I going to intake? It begins now; the new year starts for me today and I will be posting my first beer later this evening.

1 comment:

  1. I had the same epiphany, but I decided to start on January 1.

    It's harder than I expected.

    Good luck to you!
